Third Thursday Community Chess

2/20/25 12pm - 2pm


Third Thursday Community Chess

Join us at Moore Square for our monthly chess tournament and recreational play! All ages and skill levels are welcome. Free and open to the public.
3rd Thursday of Each Month
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Tournament participants are encouraged to register in advance at the Moore Square information window or on
Chess Tournament Details:
Referee will provide rules for playing and will keep score.
Participants will continue to play chess for the duration of the tournament.
Player with the most points at the end of the tournament is the winner!
Don’t play chess? No Problem! We have Checkers, Connect 4, Spades and more!
All Ages and Skill Levels Welcome!
Sponsored By: Blount Street Community Engagement Center, Downtown Raleigh Alliance, and Raleigh Parks


Moore Square
201 S. Blount Street, Raleigh, NC

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