An Evening With Yellow Arrow Publishing, Irene Bantigue, & Tramaine Suubi

2/21/24 6pm - 7pm


An Evening With Yellow Arrow Publishing, Irene Bantigue, & Tramaine Suubi

Join The Ivy Bookshop at Bird in Hand as we celebrate Baltimore-based press Yellow Arrow Publishing, who does excellent work to support women-identifying writers in Baltimore and beyond. We’re pleased that this event will feature two of its authors, Irene Bantigue & Tramaine Suubi!
As Yellow Arrow writes on their website: “It takes diversity of thought, background, culture, and perspective to create an inclusive storytelling platform. Yellow Arrow Publishing supports women-identifying writers and artists from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger.”
This evening will be a festive reading in that spirit, where we get to hear from two exciting writers working in Baltimore today!
Irene Bantigue is a freelance writer who covers arts and culture between Baltimore and Washington, D.C. She also works in education at The Baltimore Museum of Art and is a graduate of The Johns Hopkins University. A Filipino native, Irene is a proud first-generation immigrant whose story spans three continents.
Tramaine Suubi a multilingual Bantu writer. They were born by the Nile River and raised by the Potomac River. They are a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and a Yellow Arrow Writer-in-Residence. Their poems live in Brink Literary Magazine, Solstice Literary Magazine, and other spaces. Tramaine is the managing editor of Writivism and is officially represented by the Creative Arts Agency. Their forthcoming book debut is a full-length poetry collection called “phases.” This first collection and a second collection will both be published by Amistad, an imprint of HarperCollins. Tramaine is in love with all things water.


Bird in Hand Coffee & Books
11 E 33rd St, Baltimore, MD

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