
9/12/24 7pm


ALL AGES!! * SIRSY is a ROCK & SOUL DUO with lots of pop sensibility & just the right amount of sass! Fronted by charismatic lead singer, Melanie who is also the band’s drummer and plays a full kit standing up. Melanie plays bass parts on a keyboard with her drum stick and even throws in some mean flute solos. Rich Libutti plays a road worn and well loved Rickenbacker through a pedal board full of vintage effects. He also pays bass with his feet and tells super nerdy Star Wars jokes. SIRSY is known for passionate performances that often include lots of stories from the road, laughs, and dance parties. It’s a good time! 🙂 SIRSY plays 250+ shows per year nationally & has played with Grace Potter, Maroon 5, Cheap Trick, Train, and many more. Their music is featured on Showtime’s hit tv show “Shameless”. CHECK OUT SIRSY: VIDEO:


Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co.
224 W Bruce St, Milwaukee, WI

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